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land lease explanation, terms&conditions...

THE OFFER AND CONDITIONS: Tonga has land laws not unlike most of the Island countries in the South Pacific. The basics of the land laws can be summed up into one sentence. You cannot own land, you can only lease land. The consciousness of leasing land is much like leasing a car, but you have 99-years with land. Foreign investors in Tonga are welcomed and encouraged to lease land. One can achieve basically the same rights of ownership in a lease as one might ever wish for in any land purchase, and with some advantages.


You can buy and sell, swap, construct at your pleasure and grow about anything that is legal upon your leased land. The only real issue is one has to renew their lease every 99-years. We don’t get to do that even once in our normal lifetime, though given the land lease is transferable and inheritable, your heirs may have that option.


In this lease for “Cocomo-Sea Breeze” residents on the Vava’u-Hunga Island in the Vava’u Island Group of Tonga, the Noble (Honorable Fulivai) has formed a corporation and set up a 99-year land lease of a large portion of his Estate along the waterfront.


Each home site comes from a portion of this Master lease. You may build a residence of your choice on this leased land in your selected and designated area. The legal structure is "condominium" (without the condominiums) in that the master lease is collectively owned by everyone with a single family home site.


All of the residences will be “detached,” separate and individually owned by the investor making this purchase.As well, there is a small monthly payment of just $35 USD = about $65 Tongan dollars which can be paid annually. Portions of these sums go to the local village for improvements in their community with not only new equipment and new jobs as well. Lessons learned in other countries regarding unwholesome development of native land are avoided in this giving structure, in spite of the low cost.


Cocomo-Sea Breeze residents are warmly welcomed for their being a part of this small yet collectively significant contribution back to the local community. Cocomo-Sea Breeze Residential Community is for responsible people who care, as we continue to build upon a "conscious community". 

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